First, it’s important to know that no one is exempt from experiencing split ends. Even if you religiously follow all of the hair-care rules your ends will eventually split. Due to everyday care, environmental factors the ends of our hair can become damaged.

How often should you trim your hair?

Every 3-6 months depending on hair texture.

Why do I get knots in my natural hair?

Knots are indicators of weak points and dryness in your hair. Although many people experience a few knots here and there in their journey, the only time you should worry is if you’ve got major tangles hanging onto the ends of your hair. If you have noticed this type of knots it’s time for a trim.

When is the best time to get a trim?

If you want a clean even trim I would suggest doing so after a deep conditioner and flatiron. It is easier to identify any breakage or split ends when the hair is straightened.

Will trimming my hair make it grow?

Not necessarily, it is meant to stop or slowdown breakage. Hair growth starts at the root (scalp) not the ends.

7 tips for healthy hair

1.) Keeping the hair moisturized
2.) Use heat protectant when using any kind of heat.
3.) Deep condition your hair at least once every 3 months (ideally monthly).
4.) Trim off all dead ends regularly.
5.) Protective styles matter.
6.) Never detangle natural hair when it’s dry ( most people break their hair off doing this)
7.) Always use a leave-in conditioner.